About Us

Consumer Reviews works to create a fair and just marketplace for all. As a mission-driven, independent, nonprofit member organization, CR empowers and informs consumers, incentivizes corporations to act responsibly, and helps policymakers prioritize the rights and interests of consumers in order to shape a truly consumer-driven marketplace.

Over time, CR’s findings shaped purchasing decisions, and regulators and manufacturers began to heed our voice and the needs and interests of consumers.
BCR remains a trusted source because our rigorous, independent testing and research still creates a marketplace built on credible information, greater transparency, and fairness. Our investigative journalism, advocacy, and digital testing empower consumers, inform people’s purchasing decisions, influence businesses to improve the products and services they deliver, and strengthen norms, laws, and regulations through science, evidence, and data.
In this era of momentous change and upheaval, consumers continue to rely on us to shine a trusted light on the shifting landscape of the marketplace—and ensure that rapid innovation and consumer safety go hand in hand. As the digital age accelerates, there has never been a more important time for consumers to be empowered with trustworthy knowledge and expert insights. In today’s rapidly evolving world, what we do at Consumer Reviews must be as transformative and groundbreaking as the new technologies, products and services entering people’s lives every day.
We are passionate about our work because we know how much is at stake for you. We succeed in our mission every time your family gets a little bit safer, your finances get more secure, new technologies get more trustworthy, and the future gets that much brighter. As we work with consumers to ensure a future that meets their needs, we are focusing on four specific areas to pursue positive change in the marketplace: Safety, Sustainability, Financial Fairness, and Digital Rights.
Today, BCR is still an independent nonprofit with more than 6 million members who fight with their voices and choices for a fair and just marketplace—one that is responsive and resilient enough to deliver trust to consumers no matter what changes come their way.